Type 53 torpedo

Type 53 is the common name for a family of 53 cm torpedoes manufactured in Russia, starting with the 53-27 torpedo and continuing to the modern UGST.

With the exception of the UGST which uses Mark 48 style monopropellants, Soviet 53 cm torpedoes generally use electric power, or kerosene mixed with various oxidizers for propulsion. Russian torpedoes are often named descriptively for their characteristics - examples include "acoustic homing" or "electric torpedo", all in Russian acronyms.

The first Soviet torpedo with homing capability was the SAET-50. The 53-61 was the first Soviet homing torpedo to exceed 40 knots.

The Chinese have either copied or reverse engineered several Soviet 53 cm torpedoes, though sources dispute exactly what was copied. For example, the Yu-1 is a non-homing weapon copied from either the 53-38 or the 53-51. The Yu-3 is considered a copy of the SET-65.

The Type 53 torpedo is carried by almost all Russian submarines, including the Kilo class and the Akula class.

See also

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